White Dwarf Research Corporation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operated exclusively for scientific and educational purposes. We welcome contributions and foundation grants in the following areas:

  1. To support scientific research on the individual stars of our Galaxy
  2. To develop public education resources relevant to the study of stars

If you'd like to support one of our projects, find out how you can help, consider making a tax-deductible contribution online, or write a check out to White Dwarf Research Corporation and send it to us at the address below. Don't hesitate to contact us to find out more.

Board of Directors

Margarida Cunha
Christoffer Karoff
Travis Metcalfe
Gerald Handler
Katrien Kolenberg
Mike Montgomery

Contact Information

White Dwarf Research Corp.
9020 Brumm Trail
Golden, CO 80403
Phone: (720) 310-5180

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