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QED keystroke command assignments

Keystroke assignment strategy:

  1. Lower case letters: operations on individual points, a range of points, or a single light curve.
  2. Upper case letters: reduction operations on both light curves.
  3. Ctrl-letters or Alt-letters: Global or general commands
  4. Non-printing keys: display control (mostly)
  5. Numbers: collect as a parameter string

range and parameter entries are optional
[range] [parameter] operation
'r', then move cursor to the end of the range a series of characters forming a number one of the keystrokes below

Parameter entry: (shown on display as it is entered)

    Characters accepted: 0.123456789 and BKSP
      A number must precede a decimal point
    BKSP discards the last character entered
    ^BKSP discards the complete parameter entry, turns range off

Definition: a "group" is any contiguous set of marked data points.

Marking and Cursor Operations

These operations are limited to the curve the cursor is on
They do not change any data values
Key Action
g mark point as garbage
s mark point as sky
| mark point as garbage, and indicate data before & after go to separate output files

(space) unmark one point
u unmark all the points in a group the cursor is on
U unmark all points marked as deviate, or those in a range (see "M")
^U unmark all the points in the curve the cursor is on

hg highlight (blink) all points marked as garbage
hs highlight (blink) all points marked as sky
h| highlight (blink) all points marked to separate data into different output files
ha highlight (blink) all marked data points, including pokes & bridges
hb highlight (blink) all bridge points
hq make all highlighted points disappear, except deviates (see M)

j jump forward, to the point at the end of a marked group,
or by amount of parameter
^J jump backward, to the point at the end of a marked group,
or by amount of parameter
J jump to location specified by parameter
n jump to the next point, at the end of a highlighted group
l jump to the last point, at the end of a highlighted group

r mark (remember) current cursored datum as start of a range
R recall (re-activate) last range-start marker used
^BKSP turn active range off

TAB center the cursor, and the datum it indicates, on the screen
X compress or expand display in x (toggle)

ENTER remember parameter(s) for a later operation
^BKSP discard any parameters, or ranges, entered or saved

a display average of values in the chosen range

m indicate cursored datum is on a good part of the light curve
M mark all deviate points, or those in a range
^M mark all deviate points from cursor to the end of the light curve
U unmark all points marked as deviate, or those in a range

ql show longitude & latitude of the observatory
qr show coordinates of target object (ra, dec, epoch)
qt show UTC time offset in use (dtt)
qb show barycentric correction constants (bjed, baryc, deltabc)
qo show filename of the latest .op file in the current directory
qp show customizing parameters (from the qed.ini file)
qd show default parameters for extinction, and for photometer
qv show verbosity level now in use

;l prompt for and accept longitude and latitude of observatory
;r prompt for and accept target coordinates (ra, dec, epoch)
;t prompt for and accept UTC time offset (dtt)
;ENTER restore l, r and t constants from qed.tbl

' begin a comment for the op list; end with Enter
" begin a tagged comment, end with Enter (tag is cursored datum no.)

The Defined Reduction Sequence

Command Operations, in normal reduction sequence
These operations change data values in the light curve(s)
Key Action
d | D apply deadtime loss correction to all active light curves
parameters specify deadtime in ns

t transfer sky readings from cursored light curve into sky buffer
if 3 channels: get detector sensitivity ratio, Ch3 -> buf 4
T transfer sky readings from both light curves into sky buffers
if 2 channels: Ch1 1 sky -> buf 3, Ch2 sky -> buf 4
if 3 channels: Ch3 -> buf 4, get ratios (Ch1/Ch3, Ch2/Ch4)
ALT-T transfer sky buf4 -> buf3, get ratio (to use channel 2 sky on chan 1)

p prepare sky for subtraction from the cursored light curve
P prepare sky for subtraction from both light curves

ALT-S subtract the sky buffer from the cursored light curve
S subtract sky buffers from both light curves

e apply extinction correction to cursored channel
E apply extinction correction to channels 1 and 2

Normal reduction state sequence:

M - D - T - P - S - E

Sequence rules:
Any number of marking operations (M) can be done first
D, T, P, S, E must be done in order; Ctrl-A does them all, on both channels

Additional Operations

These operations are not restricted to a defined sequence
These operations also change data values
KEY Action
b Bridge over data gaps (all marked data), full curve or range
parameter used as bridge anchor average: default = 13
f Fit a polynomial to the cursored curve and divide by it
parameter is the order of the polynomial: default = 1
Alt-C Copy to the cursored light curve from the other visible curve
Alt-X Exchange (swap) the contents of the two displayed light curves
Alt-P Poke - replace the cursored datum or range with the parameter
+ Add the other curve, or the parameter, to the full cursored curve or range
- Subtract the other curve, or parameter, from the full cursored curve or range
* Multiply the full cursored curve (or range) by the other curve,
or by the parameter
operation on each point: (buf * obuf)/avg(buf) or buf * parm
/ Divide the full cursored curve (or range) by the other curve,
or by the parameter if not zero
operation on each point: buf/obuf * avg(buf) or buf/parm
~ Smooth the light curve - parameter gives the length of the running average
bridging is automatic (using default) prior to smoothing
parameter is used as length of smoothing: default = 11

Operations List Control

Key Action
qo display the name of the latest .op file
^O read in the latest .op file
if parameter entered, use it to select which .op file to read
^W write the header & operations list to current directory
all unexecuted command lines are discarded
^B backup - undo the last operation, and erase its oplist command
^Shft-B backup - undo & erase all oplist commands (but not marking commands)
Alt-B backup - undo the last operation, show its oplist command as unexecuted
Alt-Shft-B undo, but don't erase, all non-marking oplist commands

^N execute the next operation in the reduction sequence on both channels
Alt-N execute the next command in the oplist, if any
^A execute all remaining operations in the defined reduction sequence on both channels
default parameters taken from history file qed.his
Alt-A execute all remaining commands in the oplist, stop before a 'write' command
F5 Show operations code sequence and respond to these commands:
        ^Home show 1st page of operations
        ^End show last page of operations
        PgUp show prior page of operations
        PgDn show next page of operations
        UpArrow move cursor up 1 line, scroll if at top
        DnArrow move cursor down 1 line, scroll if at bottom
        ' start a comment
        " start a comment tagged with cursor location
        Bksp delete comment character to left of cursor, erase line if empty
        ^Bksp remove the comment line the cursor is on
        Del delete 1st unexecuted command, if any
        ^Del delete all unexecuted commands

Input, Output and Help Operations

All output operations split '|' marked sections into separate files.

Key Action
v Set verbosity level of messages (0 - 2) from parameter
qv Show verbosity level now in use
F1-F4 Show help screen text display
F6 Suspend Qed, activate a DOS shell
F7 Read in a new run for editing
(prompts for filename)
F9 | W Write the data and operations files to disk
(unexecuted commands are discarded)
w Write data to disk from the buffer the cursor is on
(full curve, or range if active)
^W Write header & operations list to a .op disk file

^D Read in a Dred .flg file, translating to Qed format
Ctrl-F9 Write Quilt format data to qedtmp, Dred flag file to qedtmp.flg

Dred operations will disappear one day.

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