Fiscal Year 2000 Budget Request
National Science Foundation requests $3.95 billion for Fiscal Year 2000, a 5.8
percent increase over FY 1999. This
investment encompasses more than 19,000 forward-looking research and education
projects that extend across the frontiers of science, engineering, and
technology. The entire NSF budget is part
of the 21st Century Research Fund, reflecting the Administration's strong commitment
to basic research.
NSF Funding by Appropriation
(Millions of Dollars)
1 Includes $27 million in FY
1999 and $33 million in FY 2000 from H-1B Nonimmigrant Petitioner Fees.
in science and engineering have opened new frontiers for discovery, learning,
and innovation. We can build materials
atom by atom, track viruses as they invade healthy cells, see galaxies as they
form, detect extra-solar planets, observe the “circuitry” of the human brain,
tap the power of genetic information, and appreciate the complexity of
countless other phenomena – thanks to the ever-increasing power and
sophistication of the today’s tools, techniques, and technologies.
advances have ushered in a new era of exploration. It is now possible and practical to begin seeking answers what
many call the great mysteries of science and engineering. How old is the universe? How do we learn? What is memory? Can
machines think? What controls the link
between genetics and cancer and disease?
Is our climate changing? Do
practical sources of renewable energy exist?
Does life exist on other planets?
and other questions and challenges outline a vigorous and meaningful agenda for
research and education in the 21st Century. This agenda speaks directly to the vision
set forth in the National Science Policy Study approved by the House of
Representatives in October 1998: “The United States of America must maintain
and improve its pre-eminent position in science and technology in order to
advance human understanding of the universe and all it contains, and to improve
the lives, health, and freedom of all peoples.”
request is built upon NSF’s strength – a broad base of research and education
activities that provides the nation with the people, the knowledge, and the
infrastructure needed to fuel innovation and economic growth. This strength is derived from the agency’s
effective use of merit review to identify the most promising ideas and most
capable researchers and educators.
NSF FY 2000 Request features priority investments in information technology
research, biocomplexity, and in new approaches to education and workforce
Information Technology. NSF has been
designated the lead agency for a six-agency initiative on Information
Technology for the Twenty-First Century (IT2).
The information technology industry now constitutes a
$700 billion cornerstone of the U.S. economy.
It employs 7.4 million people at wages that are more than 60 percent
higher than the private sector average.
Recent estimates suggest that it
has generated one-third of the recent growth in the U.S. economy. The prospects for sustained growth and
opportunity, however, are uncertain at best, because of low rates of investment in long-term, fundamental IT research.
IT2 Initiative addresses issues and concerns raised by the
President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) in its recent
report. PITAC described Federal support
for information technology research as “dangerously inadequate.” It found that, “measured in constant
dollars, support in most critical areas has been flat or declining for nearly a
decade, while the importance of IT to our economy has increased dramatically.”
FY 2000 investment in the IT2 Initiative totals $146 million:
$110 million for
investments in research on software systems, scaleable information
infrastructure, high-end computing, and on the social, economic, and workforce
of information technologies.
An additional $36
million for development of terascale computing systems. Through this investment, U.S. researchers will gain
access to leading edge computational systems.
These activities build upon NSF’s previous substantial
investments within the Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Activity, as well as investments under its theme of Knowledge and Distributed
Intelligence (KDI) and other information technology-related projects, which
amounted to almost $700 million in FY 1999. These investments will allow all areas of research and education
to make optimal use of emerging capabilities.
The IT2 Initiative will cultivate the
promise and the potential that information technologies offer our society. In his June 1998 speech at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, President Clinton outlined the scope of this
challenge: “We can extend opportunity to all Americans or leave many
behind. We can erase lines of inequity
or etch them indelibly. We can
accelerate the most powerful engine of growth and prosperity the world has ever
known, or allow the engine to stall.”
in the Environment. An NSF priority for FY 2000 is support for
activities within the theme of Biocomplexity in the Environment (BE). BE represents a set of coordinated
activities in environmental science, engineering, and education. It includes both focused initiatives and
core research programs aimed at fostering research on the complex
interdependencies among the elements of specific environmental systems, and the
interactions of different types of systems.
NSF funding for BE in FY 2000 in the broad areas of biodiversity and
ecosystem dynamics, global and environmental change, and environment and the
human dimension will total approximately $700 million.
The common theme among all BE activities is complexity – because research focused
solely on the individual components of environmental systems provides limited
information about the behavior of the systems themselves.
Biocomplexity. In FY 2000,
NSF will invest $50 million through a focused initiative to improve our
understanding of biocomplexity. This
effort is at the heart of BE – understanding the complex interdependencies
among living organisms and the environments that affect, sustain, and are modified
by them.
multidisciplinary biocomplexity initiative will apply the latest tools and
insights developed across all fields of science and engineering to the study of
environmental systems. The FY 2000 competition
will emphasize enhancing our analytical and predictive capabilities by
integrating knowledge across disciplines.
Observational capabilities will be expanded and upgraded to support such
integrated efforts.
This investment will build on a host of new
methodologies and technologies that have transformed our ability to examine and
explore biological complexity.
Functional genomics has given us DNA on a chip; new software has
improved computational analysis, modeling, and simulation of systems; geographic
information systems now integrate data on a global scale; and, new biosensors
and ecological monitoring devices – along with satellite based imaging systems
– provide real-time snapshots of the Earth system. These are all contributing to the flood of data about the Earth’s
complex biological systems and the processes that sustain or change them.
Interagency Activities.
Two interagency activities led by the National Science and Technology
Council are directly related to BE activities.
NSF will provide $187 million in FY 2000 in support of the U.S. Global
Change Research Program which addresses interactions among physical,
biological, ecological, and human systems at various scales. NSF will also provide approximately $109
million in FY 2000 in support for the Integrated Science for Ecosystem
Challenges Program which will improve understanding of habitats and ecosystems
of particular importance to the national interest, as was recommended in the
March 1998 report, “Teaming with Life,” by the President’s Committee of
Advisors on Science and Technology.
for the Future: A 21st Century Workforce. Improving
access to quality educational opportunities is among the highest priorities of
the Administration. Recent results from
TIMSS – the Third International Mathematics and Science Study – raised
important issues about the quality of U.S. science and mathematics
education. While U.S. fourth graders
were close to the goal of being “first in the world,” U.S. eighth graders were
below the international average, and scores
for 12th graders were among the lowest for all nations tested.
NSF’s overall investment in efforts related to
Educating for the Future total nearly $475 million in FY 2000, a 6.3 percent
increase over the FY 1999 level. This investment
encompasses a comprehensive approach to workforce development that reaches from
grade school to graduate school and professional development activities. NSF priorities include:
The NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education places graduate and
undergraduate students in K-12 schools to serve as science and mathematics
content resources to teachers. This
$7.5 million program continues an innovative effort initiated in FY 1999 that
exposes graduate and undergraduate students to the needs of K-12 education at
the same time that it provides much needed expertise to support high-quality
learning. This program complements
existing teacher education activities that are of high priority to NSF.
A total of $13 million
to accelerate development of the National Science, Mathematics, Engineering,
and Technology Education Digital Library, a national resource to increase the
quality, quantity, and comprehensiveness of internet-based K-16 educational
resources. This virtual facility will
link students, teachers, and faculty, and provide broad access to
standards-based educational materials and learning tools for schools and
academic institutions nationwide.
Other highlights of ongoing activities include: approximately $160 million to support
K-16 Systemic Reform activities in FY 2000, to provide sustainable improvements
in the nation's K-12 science and mathematics education enterprise; $25
million for a continuing Education Research Initiative, which provides for
research on the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of educational technologies;
$29 million for the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training
program; almost $100 million for the Faculty Early Career Development program;
and $37 million for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program.
Fostering the integration of research and education is a main priority among
these efforts.
Complementing activities related to these themes are a
number of other Foundation-wide programs designed to address particularly
important elements in the support of research and education.
Research, Education, and Logistics. Recognizing the
importance of the Arctic to studies of resource development and global
phenomena such as climate change and ocean circulation, NSF's FY 2000 Request
includes approximately $68 million for investments in Arctic research and
education across the Foundation.
Included in NSF's activities are
Arctic research across most disciplines supported by NSF; continued
support of logistical capabilities, research platforms and facilities;
extension of education and outreach activities, especially those exploring new
technology venues and distance learning; increased scientific cooperation at
international levels; and further development of research programs on the human
dimensions of global change.
Research Equipment. The FY 2000
Request includes $85 million for Major Research Equipment projects:
Terascale computing
systems, as part of the IT2 initiative, to permit researchers to address
problems of scope and scale that are inaccessible on current systems.
Initial investments in
the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation, which will connect and
integrate a national system of earthquake engineering research facilities.
Completion of the design
and development phase of the Millimeter Array – which will bring angular
resolution comparable to that of the Hubble Space Telescope to radio astronomy.
Investments in the
construction of detectors for the Large Hadron Collider.
Support for the ongoing
modernization of South Pole Station.
Upgrades to polar
support aircraft.
Genome Research. NSF will provide
$55 million, an increase of $5 million, to continue investments in the Plant
Genome Research Program. This effort
builds on an existing research base of about $20 million. The overall goals of the NSF Plant Genome
Research Program are to support research that will advance our understanding of
the structure, organization and function of plant genomes, with particular attention
to economically significant plants, and to accelerate utilization of new
knowledge and innovative technologies toward a more complete understanding of
basic biological processes in plants.
GOALI. Support for the GOALI program (Grant Opportunities for
Academic Liaison with Industry) will total almost $34 million, an increase of
4.3 percent, to facilitate collaborative research activities between academe
and industry.
EPSCoR. Funding for
EPSCoR (the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) will total
more than $63 million. This includes
$48 million provided through the Education and Human Resources appropriation,
and approximately $15 million provided through NSF’s research programs, to
enable EPSCoR researchers to participate more fully in NSF research activities.
Science and Technology Centers. In FY 2000 NSF will provide $25
million to support a new class of Science and Technology Centers (STCs). Created in 1987, STCs support
university-based multidisciplinary research, encouraging knowledge transfer
across sectors, and establishing innovative education activities. The centers have become focal points for
their respective communities, as they have successfully attacked complex, major
research problems that require sustained high levels of research support.
Groups. Funding for programs to encourage participation in science and
engineering research and education by women, minorities, and persons with
disabilities total more than $110 million across the Foundation. NSF is committed to broadening opportunities
and enabling the participation of all citizens throughout the programs,
projects and activities that it supports.
Nonimmigrant Petitioner Fees. As provided in recent legislation to
strengthen the IT workforce, $33 million is provided from H-1B nonimmigrant
petitioner fees for scholarships and systemic reform activities, consistent
with other NSF investments in advanced technological education.
GLOBE. NSF continues its participation in the interagency Global
Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment Initiative (GLOBE)
program, providing $2 million in FY 2000.
GLOBE provides environmental
science education to K-12 students in more than 3,500 schools and 45 countries.
The year 2000 holds special significance for the
National Science Foundation, as it marks the 50th anniversary of the
agency’s inception, which NSF will celebrate with a series of special
activities designed to improve public understanding of science and engineering
research and education.
NSF is often called “America’s Investment in the
Future” – and a host of recent accomplishments highlight the Foundation’s
lasting contribution to discovery, innovation, and workforce development.
The 1998 Nobel Prizes
once again provided a clear indicator of the world-leading standard set by
NSF-supported researchers and projects, as the recipients in chemistry,
economics, and physics all received support from NSF. Since the agency’s founding
in 1950, NSF-supported researchers have collected 100 Nobel Prizes, receiving
recognition for work in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology and
medicine, and economics.
In its annual feature on
the “Breakthrough of the Year,” Science
magazine put NSF-funded projects at the top of the list.
- Science’s top-rated breakthrough was the finding that the universe is expanding
at an accelerating rate. This resulted
from work by two independent teams of NSF-supported researchers, using
NSF-supported telescopes at the National Optical Astronomy Observatories.
- Second on Science’s list was research supported by
NSF on circadian rhythms – the mechanisms in living systems that track 24-hour
cycles. Among other results, this work
identified three genes that react to night and day in the simplest organisms
known to have such internal clocks.
The potential of the
information revolution to benefit all Americans has been brought to light at
the University of Southern California’s Integrated Media Systems Center, an
NSF-supported Engineering Research Center.
The center is home to the Multimedia University Academy, which prepares
Los Angeles area high school graduates for careers in the digital arts,
computer graphics, and other multi-media industries. The Academy makes a special effort to attract a diverse student
population, and many come from “at risk” backgrounds. The majority of its graduates have successfully obtained
positions in the multimedia sector while also continuing to pursue their
NSF investments in studies of microbial evolution have
shown how bacteria develop and retain resistance to antibiotics. Researchers studied the consequences of
particular mutations of microbial systems over thousands of generations of
bacteria, gaining new insights into the underlying genetic and biochemical
dynamics of evolutionary change.
The Council on Competitiveness affirmed the need for a
stronger national investment in science and engineering in its recent report, Going Global: The New Shape of American
Innovation. The report reflects the
consensus findings of CEOs, R&D managers, and top officials at 120 leading
corporations, universities, and national laboratories.
For the past 50 years, most, if not all, of the
technological advances have been directly or indirectly linked to improvements
in fundamental understanding.
Investment in discovery research creates the seedcorn for future
innovation. Government at all levels is the mainstay of the nation’s investment
in science and engineering research....
Uncertainties about the stability and adequacy of funding for science
worry industry and university executives alike.
This FY 2000 Budget Request builds upon NSF’s longstanding
record of success in fundamental research and education. At the same time, it outlines and embraces a
vigorous agenda that will advance learning, discovery, innovation, and progress
into the 21st Century.